Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thurs., Nov. 28

Thanksgiving Day...hope it was a happy one for everyone.

We were up at 6 a.m., so I could get the turkey seasoned and into the slow cooker. Of course, the turkey was thawing at Mother's house, since there was no room in our refrigerators. We weren't sure if Mother would be up this early, but she was, so Hubbie fetched the bird, and I got it ready to cook.

I decided to take the advice of one of the ladies at water aerobics and put the turkey in a cooking bag. This turned out to be a disaster, since as soon as I put it in the slow cooker, the plastic bag touched the sides of the cooker and promptly melted.

Yikes! I needed to get the bird out of the cooker right away. I hollered for Hubbie, but he was in the sunroom and had difficulty hearing me. And I had difficulty hollering, since I had laryingitis. He finally heard me and stepped inside. What did I need, he wanted to know. "I need you to help me get this turkey out of the cooker!!" I bellowed. "The plastic bag is melting to the cooker."

When we finally got the turkey out, we spent time trying to scrape the plastic off the sides of the cooker, then I tore the bag off the bird and put it back in the cooker, with onions and carrots in the cavity. I added broth, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, and she made the deviled eggs, and prepared a pickle and olives dish.

Meanwhile, I went upstairs to shower and dress, and then relaxed for a while. Sis arrived early, bringing cornbread dressing and homemade bread. Daughter-in-Law arrived soon after.

Hubbie had peeled potatoes earlier, and near noon, I removed the well-done turkey from the cooker, and let it rest while I mashed potatoes and made gravy. Sis sliced bread, and then we were ready to enjoy the meal.

After we were stuffed and had cleared the meal away, we visited until mid-afternoon, when Daughter-in-Law needed to leave to travel two hours back to her home.

We spent the rest of the afternoon watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, and the evening watching movies.

Though I'd started the day okay...cough, sore throat, and laryingitis...I faded by 10 p.m. and was ready for bed.