Saturday, December 28, 2013

Friday, Dec. 27

Up around 7:30, and did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Daughter got up while I was doing this. While I got ready for the day, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house.

Daughter had planned to head home right after lunch, because she thought she had business to attend to, but then she realized she didn't have to do it until Monday, so she stayed the day.

Daughter worked on the jigsaw puzzle with Mother, while I did some chores around the house, including washing several loads of laundry.

After lunch, I joined the two of them in working on jigsaw puzzles. Finished the one we began yesterday, and started a new one. These are two that I gave Mother for Christmas. The one we started today is also Christmas themed.

For supper, I fixed breakfast for supper...biscuits and gravy, with a side of scrambled egg substitute. It was a satisfying, if not particularly healthy meal. Afterward, Daughter headed home, about two hours away. I'm always edgy about her traveling alone at night, but she seems unconcerned, since she works nights and is accustomed to driving after dark.

After she left, Hubbie, Mother, and I, played Skipbo for the evening. We each won a game, and by 9 p.m., Mother was ready to go home. Hubbie accompanied her.

Not long afterward, we were ready to head to bed.


Note: since our van was supposed to be ready today, Hubbie called the shop. He learned that the vehicle is not ready yet, because the necessary parts for it haven't come in yet. Phooey.