Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Saturday, Dec. 21

Awoke to a very wet day that eventually dumped four inches of rain on us. Mother opted to stay home today, since she was afraid of losing her footing if she tried to cross our yard.

After breakfast, I did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises. Once I was ready for the day, I finished a recipe of Chinese chicken soup. Hubbie helped by dicing green onions, and shredding a head of cabbage. I added spices, soy sauce, fresh ginger, the onions and cabbage, and Ramen noodles to the soup. One pot of soup was destined for a trip to another town for a family Christmas party, and the other stayed here as a choice for Mother's and Sis's dinner on Sunday.

We expected both Sis and Daughter to come for a visit this weekend, but I heard from Sis early on letting me know that she was going to wait to come up until later in the day, since it was raining hard this morning. Later I heard from Daughter, who overslept this morning, and didn't get on the road until in the afternoon.

In the meantime, Hubbie and I gathered things we would need to take to the other town tomorrow, including two kinds of soup, an Italian cream cheese ball and crackers, a jar of wine jelly and a tub of cream cheese, several varieties of homemade jelly to use as token gifts, and all the supplies necessary for making graham cracker Christmas houses.

 At noon, Hubbie took lunch to Mother, and then he and I had sandwiches. I spent the afternoon watching a Christmas movie....George C. Scott as Scrooge.

Sis and Daughter arrived later, and for supper I made a recipe of macaroni and cheese to go with barbecue pork sandwiches. Sis came over from Mother's house and picked up servings of the meal, along with dessert, for herself and Mother. Daughter joined Hubbie and me for supper here at our house.

After supper, I gathered ingredients for Sis to make herself a recipe of Italian cream cheese ball, and then we watched TV until it was time for Sis to accompany Mother to her house. Hubbie, Daughter, and I were not long heading to bed.