Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday, Dec. 16

Up around 8 a.m. this morning. Did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Then, before I went upstairs to get ready for the day, I decided to put together packages of Christmas cards for family who live about two hours away.

Just as I was in the middle of that, our favorite electrician called to say he was on his way to our house. He wasn't scheduled to be here until 1 p.m. Since I was in nothing but a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, I high-tailed it upstairs.

The electrician was still here when I came back downstairs. His task was to replace a couple of outlets and fix another one. He ran into a few problems, of course, so it took longer than expected, and it was noon before he finished.

He is a man we've known for many years, and someone who was active in community theater when I was. He is a widower, whose wife died a few years ago. So I decided to give him a small jar of my homemade crab apple jelly. He was happy to get it. He said he likes to add jelly to his oatmeal for breakfast.

As soon as he left, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house. I fixed a soup and sandwich lunch for us, and afterward, Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle, and Hubbie and I ran errands.

Our errands included a trip to the post office, the bank, and the pharmacy. We also dropped by the Caring Hands Hospice office, where I bought two pewter ornaments. I'll send one to Niece in memory of my brother, who died recently. I'll put the other one on my tree.

From there, we went to the WDCS for several items, including things for Mother's Twelve Days of Christmas gifts. One thing I wanted to get for her was a new Skipbo card game, since the cards in the old one are so sticky it's hard to shuffle them. Unbelievably, though, the store didn't have this common game. I'll check at a pharmacy store, but I'm afraid I probably won't find one there, either. Ah, the joys of a small town.

Since there was still plenty of afternoon left after we got back home, Mother and I decided to watch a Christmas movie..." The Polar Express." It's one of our favorites. Hubbie...not so much. So he occupied himself in the office upstairs.

Later, for supper, I made chili-mac, using the leftover chili. Served it with cottage cheese, and slices of Tuscan bread that I bought at the WDCS and browned in the oven. It was a tasty meal.

Mother stayed around for a while and watched a Lifetime Network Christmas show with us. Then Hubbie accompanied her to her house.


Note: we couldn't find one of our cats last night, but figured she was hiding somewhere. This morning, Hubbie went into the utility room, and there she was, snuggled in a pile of dirty laundry. I imagine it got pretty cool in that room with the door shut, but she's fine.