Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday, Jan. 17

Slept all night for a change. Up at 7:30, and did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 9:30, and she went to her jigsaw puzzle. She finished that one today, and began another.

Once I was ready for the day, I did this and that around the house until lunchtime. For lunch, Mother had Ramen noodle soup, with a little cold meatloaf on the side. Hubbie and I had the rest of the chicken noodle/veggie soup, with meatloaf sandwiches. We shared an orange for dessert.

Afterward, I spent a couple of hours recording birthdays, monthly meeting times, and other information on our 2014 calendar. This is the main calendar, on which I keep up with all of our appointments, etc.

When I finished recording on the calendar, I then went through the 2013 calendar and made a list of the most important events of the year. I've been doing this since 1998, and it has come in handy, when we need to nail down a date of a past event. I routinely keep our old calendars, and have had reason to consult them frequently. These lists help me quickly locate the appropriate calendar. Also, it's interesting to review them...a lot happens in a few years.

Didn't do a lot after I finished with the calendar until suppertime, when Hubbie and I worked together to make pancakes. I made the batter, heated syrup and cups of coffee, set the table, etc., and Hubbie cooked the pancakes. They were very good, topped with a combination of sugar free syrup and blueberry jelly (the jelly that did not set properly).

Mother was ready to go home shortly after supper, and then Hubbie and I watched episodes of "The Tudors."