Monday, January 13, 2014

Sunday, Jan. 12

Up around 7:30 to get ready for a trip to a restaurant about 45 minutes away. The purpose of the trip was to celebrate my birthday with family. The town where the restaurant is located is a halfway point for gathering, since family from south are about 45 minutes away from the town, too.

We arrived at the restaurant first, and Hubbie went in to arrange a room for us to meet in. We were taking a chance that a room would be available, but luckily there was one.

Family arrived within minutes of our arrival, and we all went in to pay for buffet meals. That is, we all went in except for Hubbie and Daughter. I couldn't figure out what was delaying them, but after a few minutes, I decided to check.

I found Daughter on her hands and knees looking under a vehicle. What was going on? Hubbie said that she was looking for a $20 bill that she'd had in her hand minutes before, but which suddenly disappeared. Hubbie said that the two of them had searched everywhere for the bill and were mystified at how it could have been lost.

There was a wind today, so looked around to see if I could spy the money. Sure enough, way over to the side of the restaurant, close to a fenced off trash can area, I saw the wrinkled bill scooting along in the breeze. I pointed it out to Hubbie, who dashed over and retrieved it.

Everything went smoothly after that. Fourteen of us enjoyed the buffet meal and dessert, after which a host of waitresses paraded in, clapping and singing the Happy Birthday song. Daughter set that one up.

Then my three kids presented me with beautiful cards (including a musical card), and gifts of cash, gift cards, and a hyacinth plant (from Daughter). When I protested that being treated to lunch was quite enough gift, my younger son melted my heart with a speech of gratitude for my sacrifices as a mother, saying that nothing he ever did for me could be enough. Of course, my children just being my children is enough.

When we finished our celebration, we left the restaurant, but not the parking lot, where we continued to visit until around 3 p.m. Then we all headed home.

At home, Mother came into our house and watched TV with us. Around 6:30, we were ready to have a bite for supper and decided on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Only thing was, we didn't have any bread.

Since we didn't have any milk, either, Hubbie went to a grocery store. It was after 7 p.m. before we had our meal. Mother continued to stay at our house until around 9 p.m., when she finally decided to go home. Mostly she'd spent the evening nodding off. Hubbie accompanied her home when she roused enough to walk. I guess the day was tiring for her, even though she sat the whole the van, in her wheelchair, and on a chair at the restaurant.