Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday, Jan. 26

Up around 7:30, but skipped my exercises, as I usually do on Sundays. Showered and dressed before breakfast, then did the usual Sunday morning routine. Sis accompanied Mother to our house mid-morning, and she clipped lots of coupons for Granddaughter.

Otherwise, all we did was watch animal shows on TV, and read the Sunday newspaper, until time to prepare lunch. Today's menu was fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy and fried green tomatoes, as well as Sis's homemade bread.

Hubbie helped with lunch by peeling potatoes. Sis prepared the green tomatoes, and I fried the chicken, mashed the potatoes, and made gravy. This meal was in honor of Sis's and my birthdays, since it's one our favorite meals.

After lunch, Hubbie went to the grocery store to buy veggies I needed to make soup. When he returned, Mother sliced and diced celery, carrots, bell pepper, zucchini, and yellow squash, and Hubbie peeled and sliced potatoes. Then I put the soup together, adding canned diced tomatoes, chicken broth, and spices, and let it simmer for an hour or so. This soup is for our supper when we return from taking Sis home tomorrow. The weather is predicted to be frigid tomorrow, so soup will be welcome for supper.

While the soup simmered, I baked a recipe of dark chocolate brownies, using an inexpensive packaged mix. These brownies are really good for being a store brand.

Mother and Sis started a new jigsaw puzzle this afternoon, Hubbie watched TV, and I caught up on posting blogs.  Later, for supper, Mother chose to have cereal and toast, while the rest of us opted for deli ham or turkey sandwiches and chips, with fruit for dessert.

Then we played Skipbo for the evening. Each of us won a game. Sis accompanied Mother home afterward, and then Hubbie and I watched episodes of "The Tudors."