Saturday, January 25, 2014

Thursday, Jan. 23

Up at 7:30, and did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 9:30, and she went to her jigsaw puzzle.

Once I was ready for he day, I did this and that around the house until lunch. After lunch, Mother, Hubbie and I worked in the kitchen. First, Hubbie peeled apples, using the new apple peeler, while I gathered ingredients for seasoning them. Mother measured the ingredients, with my help, and then mixed  them into the sliced apples. She also fluted the edges of the pie, but unfortunately, the edge fell completely off during baking.

While the pie was baking, Mother helped put together a dish of lasagna. She's easily confused about the layering sequence, though, so I have to stand right there and remind her of what goes next. She's unable to do this alone even when I set the ingredients out in the order that they are to be layered. I have to remind her of each the noodles, now the sauce, now the cottage cheese, now the mozzarella cheese, now the Parmesan cheese.

When the lasagna was completed and in the refrigerator to be baked later, Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle. After the pie came out of the oven, I made an angel food/pineapple cake. This is he recipe that uses an angel food cake mix, mixed with a can of crushed pineapple. So simple, yet delicious.

Relaxed for the rest of the afternoon, read newspapers, and played on my tablet. Put the lasagna in the oven around 4 p.m., and by 5 p.m., we were ready to have it for supper, along with salad and cottage cheese.

Hubbie accompanied Mother home afterward, and then got ready to go to a basketball game at the college. About 6:30 p.m., though, Sis called to say her truck had quit on her, and she was at a gas station about ten miles away. Hubbie went to fetch her, and the two of them returned around 7 p.m. So we were able to get over to the college a few minutes before the game began.

Tonight, one of the sororities sponsored a Furry Frenzy event, in which fans were asked to toss stuffed toys onto the court as soon as a member of our team made a point. The first point happened to be a free throw, so when it happened, we tossed the toys out. I was amazed at how many very colorful stuffed animals littered the floor. Members of the sorority gathered three huge clear plastic bags of the toys.

During halftime at this game, a large group of students from a local middle school performed a dance, which was cute. Hubbie's  18-month-old great-niece was mesmerized by the performance.

Our team won the game, and we were ready to head home around 9 p.m. Oh my gosh, it was a bitterly cold night for walking to and from the parking lot! I was plenty glad to get back to my warm home.