Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday, Feb. 10

Today is Great-Grandson's fourth birthday. Happy Birthday, Great-Grandson!

Also, today, Daughter-in-Law underwent a liver biopsy, and came through it just fine. We are anxious to learn the results in a few days.

We were up at 6 a.m. this morning, so I could get ready to go to water aerobics. But around the time I needed to leave the house, I decided I didn't want to go after all. The ground is still covered in snow, the temperature has not moderated, and I dreaded that the pool would be cold. Couldn't face it, so I stayed home and did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast.

Hubbie checked on Mother, and I was surprised when he returned and Mother was with him. I guess she was determined to come over and work on her jigsaw puzzle.

Once I was ready for the day, I did this and that around the house, while Hubbie ran errands. For lunch, we ate most of the rest of the salmon chowder...there's enough left for Mother's lunch tomorrow.

After lunch, Mother returned to her puzzle, and I made a couple of birthday cards. You'd think I could make two cards in a short time, but it took the better part of the afternoon to dream up designs, gather the necessary supplies, and then make the cards. I didn't have anything important planned for today, anyway, and the project was fun.

When I finished the cards, I cleared away all the stuff for scrapbooking and card making, which has been scattered in the living room for a couple of weeks. It sure would be nice to have a special space for this hobby, so I wouldn't have to drag everything out for projects, and then have put it all away afterward.

Later for supper, we had leftover spaghetti, black eyed peas, cottage cheese, and individual salads. Mother was ready to go home afterward, so Hubbie accompanied her.

We spent the rest of the evening watching TV, including the DVD movie, "The Impossible," borrowed from the library. This tense film is about the 2004 tsunami in Thailand. It follows the true story of a family of five on vacation, who become separated when an enormous wave washes over the resort where they are staying, and their search to find one another in the aftermath.

We followed that with an episode of "Downton Abbey." News and bed after that. Fortunate for us in this part of the state, it looks like predictions for snow are for the central and south counties this time, though there might be a smattering up here.


Bad news: Hubbie got a call from his daughter tonight reporting that his grandson's father (ex-husband of his other daughter) was found dead today. We don't know any other details right now, but our hearts are with Grandson.