Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday, March 31

Another month gone. April coming up. March was such a weird weather month that we crossed more events off the calendar than we attended. April's calendar is filling up with interesting things to do, so I hope the weather cooperates.

Hubbie and I got very little sleep last night, thanks to the phone ringing at 4 a.m. One of Hubbie's relatives needed help, but he could have waited until later in the morning to call, since there was nothing we could do at that hour, anyway.

Neither of us could go back to sleep after that, so we tossed and turned until 5:30, then got up. After breakfast, I debated whether or not I wanted to go to water aerobics, but finally decided I needed the exercise, so I got ready and went.

It was a mild morning, though cool enough for a jacket. The pool was nice and warm, and 22 of us attended, including a few that had been away for a while. We were glad to see them back. One lady celebrated her 81st birthday today, so we sang the birthday song for her.There are a few ladies who are under 60 years old, but most of us are in our 60s, 70s, and 80s.

Back home afterward, I enjoyed a couple of cups of coffee, then got ready for the day. Didn't do much except yawn for the rest of the morning. Around 9:30, Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house, and she worked on her jigsaw puzzle. It's a doozy of a puzzle, so even with my help, it's moving slowly.

After a lunch of pimento cheese sandwiches and chips, Mother went back to her puzzle, and Hubbie and I ran errands.

Our first stop was the college to drop off several boxes of books for the book sale. The library staff member seemed excited to get these volumes, and I'm glad to have them off my shelves. I probably donated over a hundred books, which doesn't seem to have made a very big dent in my library.

I can't seem to resist picking up books here and there and will probably bring an armload home from the sale. Someone needs to tie my hands behind my back! I probably can't live long enough to read all the books I have, but it's not about reading every last one of them, it's about having plenty to choose from in various genre, so I can dive into whatever takes my fancy at the moment.

I also have classic literature, volumes of poetry, volumes of plays, journalism and photography reference books, books about flowers and crafts, coffee table books featuring masterpiece artists, collections of Christmas books, etc.

And then, of course, there is a library of books on my e-reader. I'll never go for want of something to read.

From the college, we went to the post office to mail coupons to Granddaughter, to the bank, to a grocery store to pick up a prescription, and to the WDCS for a few groceries.

Back home, I had little energy to do much, but I helped Mother with her puzzle for a while, read today's newspapers, and read my novel until I nodded off.

Later, for supper, I heated leftover steamed veggies, cornbread, and biscuits. Mother was ready to go home shortly afterward, and Hubbie accompanied her. Then he and I watched TV for the least we watched what we didn't nod off in the middle of.