Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tuesday, April 1

April Fool's Day. I played no jokes on anyone, and no one played one on me.

Slept late, until 8:30, though Hubbie got up at 7:30. I meant to do my exercises right after breakfast, but after Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 10 a.m., she was ready to go to work in the kitchen, so I gathered ingredients for making baked beans.

She diced onions and bell peppers, and cut up turkey bacon. I sauteed both, and added them to cans of rinsed pinto beans. Mother added the rest of the ingredients, as I read them to her, then I added spices. Got the beans in the oven at 10:30.

Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle afterward, and I finally did my exercises. It was nearly noon by the time I finished, so we went ahead and had lunch, and then I went upstairs to shower and dress.

Hubbie ran errands this afternoon, and Mother and I went outdoors to enjoy this first really warm, sunshiny day of spring. Mother sat in a lawn chair and soaked up the sun, while I went around the yard photographing spring flowers. Back inside later, I uploaded some of the photos to my social network page.

Didn't accomplish anything else for the rest of the afternoon until time to go to a Friends of the Library executive board meeting at the college at 5 p.m. The board hasn't been able to meet in a few months, thanks to inclement winter weather.

So an e-mail from the board president noted: "Just reminding everyone that we'll meet at 5 p.m., 1 APR. No joke." That's the closest I got to any recognition of April Fool's Day. Not that I'm complaining. Some folks get carried away with practical jokes, and I'm not a fan.

At the meeting, we discussed an upcoming book sale, in conjunction with a college-sponsored festival. We will set up the sale on the Thursday before the festival, which begins on Friday. Thursday evening, we will host a Friends of the Library champagne reception. This gives Friends of the Library an opportunity to peruse the books before they are offered to the public.

Also discussed was the purchase of PCs and flat screen monitors for the library, since the old computers are just not adequate to student needs anymore. Friends of the Library has an adequate treasury to fund what has been requested, so naturally we approved.

Tonight, I noticed that the Literacy Council director, who is a member of the FOL board looked pregnant, but I didn't want to say anything. Later, following the meeting, she announced to the library director that she is indeed expecting at the end of July. She said that she and her husband, who have been married for a long time, have been trying to start a family, so naturally she is thrilled that she is now expecting. I'm happy for her.

The meeting ended at 5:45, so I was home by 6 p.m. Mother and Hubbie had already had their supper...hot dog, baked beans, and coleslaw for Mother, and barbecue and sides for Hubbie. Hubbie heated helpings of the meal for me.

Mother was ready to go home after watching "Wheel of Fortune," so Hubbie accompanied her. Then he and I watched the second season of the series, "Bones," on a DVD we borrowed from the library.

We expected Sis to come for a few day's visit either tonight or tomorrow, but she is being delayed until Friday. She'll miss the film festival showing for tomorrow and Thursday, but there will be plenty remaining on Saturday and Sunday.