Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday, March 30

Up at 8 a.m., but skipped my exercises after breakfast, as usual on Sunday. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 9:30, and she did her usual routine of filling her pill carrier, and clipping coupons for Granddaughter.

Then she joined me in the kitchen to begin preparations for lunch. She sliced onions, and yellow and zucchini squashes. Hubbie washed and halved small potatoes. I put the veggies in the steamer to cook until lunchtime. Served the veggies with a choice of cornbread or biscuits.

After lunch, Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle. I made a birthday card for a great-granddaughter, then helped Mother with her puzzle for a while, since she was having trouble with the border. Then I read the Sunday newspaper, and went upstairs to sort more books for the college library book sale. Hubbie spent the afternoon watching NCAA basketball games.

Around 4:30, Mother was ready to go home, so Hubbie accompanied her. Then we watched a basketball game until around 6:30, when, a minute or so before the game ended, the power went out.
A police car, siren blaring, went by a few minutes later.

Since there was still light enough upstairs in the office, I finished sorting books, which Hubbie boxed and took out to the garage to be loaded in the van tomorrow for transport to the library.

When the power didn't come back on after 30 minutes, we decided to go see what had happened. About a mile down the road, the police car, blue lights flashing, was parked on the side of the road. The ditches on both sides of the road were blackened. A power line lay across the road. Curious onlookers were parked here and there along the shoulders. No sign of an accident that we could tell. So we pulled into a nearby driveway and Hubby chatted with the home owner. He had earlier heard a strange noise and went out to inspect. The power line had ignited the dry grass. The fire department doused the fire. But no one knows what caused the line to snap. A utility truck pulled up just as we were ready to head back home. It was 8:30 before power was restored.

It's always something in our neighborhood.

Since it took so long for the power to be restored, I abandoned my idea of having leftover bagel pizzas for supper, and instead, we had PB&J sandwiches, chips, and sliced apple by the light of a kerosene lamp.

Later, when the lights came back on, we resumed watching TV until time for bed. Busy week coming up.