Saturday, March 29, 2014

Saturday, March 29

We slept until after 8 a.m. this morning. Did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast. Hubbie accompanied Mother to our house around 10 a.m. Once I was dressed and ready for the day, I didn't have much time to accomplish anything before lunch.

Hubbie did the honors of making grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch. Afterward, Mother started a new jigsaw puzzle, and Hubbie and I ran errands. Went first to a department store, where I meant to pick up shirts for both Mother and me, for which I could use $10 coupons.

The shirt I was going to get for Mother was the chambray one I saw yesterday, but in looking at it again, I saw that it really wasn't roomy enough. But I did find a very pretty cotton one with tiny blue and green vertical stripes that I thought she'd like. I used one of the $10 off coupons and purchased it with a gift card given to her by a family member.

I saw a shirt I liked for myself, too, but wasn't willing to pay the price, which I think is exorbitant for simple cotton shirt.

From there, we went to a grocery store to pick up this week's free item...a package of frozen stir-fry vegetables...and two pounds of white American cheese for making pimento cheese. Our last stop was the WDCS for more groceries.

Back home, I spent an hour or so sorting books and discarding some for the college book sale. About 4 p.m., Mother and I went to the kitchen to begin supper preparations. Tonight's fare was bagel pizzas, salad, cottage cheese, and canned pears for dessert.

Mother was ready to go home shortly afterward, and Hubbie accompanied her. Then he watched NCAA games on TV, while I read the newspaper, played on my laptop, and read my novel on my tablet.

It was a nice day today, if a bit cool and windy.