Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tuesday, March 25

Up around 7:30 this morning, despite watching our favorite college football team play until midnight. And drat it, they lost by a wide margin. I'd set the TV timer in the bedroom, and we drifted off to sleep in the last few minutes of the game, but by that time, our team was ten or eleven points behind.

I might have snoozed a little later this morning, but Hubbie needed to get up to go to Master Gardener plant dig at the home of one of the members. He accompanied Mother to our house before he left.

I did stair stepping, resistance bands, and weights exercises after breakfast, then got ready for the day.
Mother and I spent the rest of the morning watching "Dancing With the Stars."

Hubbie returned right at noon, in time to join Mother and me for lunch. Mother opted for her usual Ramen noodle soup, and I had heated leftover casserole from last night for Hubbie and me.

After lunch, Mother and I worked on getting a pot of split pea soup ready to simmer. She sorted the peas, then diced onions, carrots, and banana peppers, and cubed ham for me. I washed the peas, added the veggies and ham, along with two cans of chicken broth, and a can of beef broth, and spices...pepper, paprika, no salt seasoning, garlic powder, and thyme, and started it simmering.

Then Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle, Hubbie snoozed in his recliner, and I went up to the office to sort books, culling out those that I want to donate to the college library book sale in a couple of weeks. I only got one shelf done, because it took time to read a few pages of each book to see if stories grabbed me.

Some inexpensive books that I bought at yard sales, or that I acquired free from some source or other a few years ago and never got around to reading, might have seemed intriguing at the time, but now don't seem to interest me.

Also, if the print is too small in books, I'm no longer interested in straining to read them, since I can download books to my e-reader, then adjust the print size to suit my aging eyes.

Around 4 p.m., Mother and I went to the kitchen again, this time to make bran muffins. I gathered the ingredients, mixing bowls, implements, muffin tin and recipe, and Mother mixed the batter while I read the recipe to her. Then she spooned the batter into the muffin tins, and I put it in the oven. This is really a one-woman job, but Mother likes to help with food preparations.

Shortly after supper, Mother was ready to go home, so Hubbie accompanied her. Then he and I watched TV for the evening.