Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday, March 26

Up at 6 a.m. to get ready for water aerobics. Very chilly this morning...chilly enough for me to see my breath, and for a the van's windshield to sport a little frost. It was coat, hat, and gloves weather.

Thankfully, the pool was pleasant, though not as warm as it was on Monday. Only eleven of us showed up. I guess others chose to stay snug in their warm beds, rather than face the cold morning. Some are absent because of health problems.

One lady suffered small spine fractures that required surgery. The fractures didn't happen because of a fall, but probably from osteoporosis. She is in her early 80s. She's now convalescing at an independent living center.

Another lady had pre-cancerous spots burned off her legs and arms, so she won't be back until sometime in April.

A third lady is scheduled to undergo an artery catheterization to check for blockage, because she has been experiencing exhaustion, shortness of breath, etc.

A couple of ladies have been absent for more than a week, so we are getting concerned. Our leader or someone will be checking on them to see if they are okay.

Interesting news from the pool: our lifeguard revealed that his wife left him back on Dec. 24, leaving their two-year-old daughter with him. His mother is taking care of the child. He has seemed unusually quiet for a while, and I guess this is the reason.

There will be no water aerobics session on Friday, since the lifeguard/coach will be out of town with the baseball team.

Back home, I warmed up with a cup of coffee, and then Hubbie put color in my hair in anticipation of a haircut appointment this afternoon.

By the time I was ready for the day, it was near lunchtime. Mother had her usual Ramen noodle soup, and I scrambled egg substitute with mushroom, green onions, bell pepper, and cheese, and served the meal with toast and jelly.

Around 1:30, Mother and I went to the beauty shop. We arrived a little early, but our hairdressers were ready for us. After my haircut, a lady sitting next to Mother and me commented on how pretty my hair looked, and how the cut complemented my "long neck." Hm-m-m, I've never thought of my neck as being long. In fact, I've always thought of it as being rather short, because I can't wear dangling earrings, like my sister can.

I attributed the way my hair looks to the talent of my hairdresser, but my hairdresser said that I have "good hair," making it behave correctly after a cut. Really? I've always consiered my hair to be difficult to manage, since it has refused to cooperate in any other "do" except this short cut.

I guess after all these years of being aggravated with my hair, I should now, in my old age, try to show it more respect.

Back home, Mother went to her jigsaw puzzle, and I went upstairs to my office and sorted another shelf of books. I wonder why I chose some of these books in the first place, since when I tried to read a few pages of them today, my eyes immediately glazed over. Maybe I judged them by their flyleaf synopses alone.

Later, for supper, we had leftover split pea soup and bran muffins. Mother was ready to go home shortly afterward, and Hubbie accompanied her. Then he and I watched TV for the evening.