Thursday, November 29, 2007

Community Theatre

Last night was opening night for a comedy/drama presented by our local community theatre. The cast did a good job, despite opening night jitters that caused a few dropped lines. These momentary lapses no doubt made for high anxiety onstage until the actors recovered. I can relate, since years ago I tread (treaded? trod?) the boards myself a few times.

My husband and I have been involved in our local community theatre for about 25 years. Initially, we joined the group as a means of introducing ourselves to the community. But we soon became very active, both onstage and backstage. We took turns serving on the board of directors, as well. As a board member, I served as secretary for a couple of two-year terms, and then as publicity chairman for several years.

But as the years rolled on, we became less and less active. Neither of us has a desire anymore to give up six weeks to rehearsals, and we're not physically up to the heavy lifting that is sometimes required in set building. Minute-taking and publicity duties are in the capable and younger hands of others now.

I still serve on the board (at their insistence), but other than helping round out a quorum for voting by attending meetings regularly, and offering my ideas on projects, my main function is to round up ushers for productions. My husband and I fulfilled that duty for last night's performance. And I've lined up others for the remaining performances. So my job, paltry as it is, is done until the next production.