Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Christmas Village

We like to get our Christmas decorating done as quickly after Thanksgiving as possible, preferably during Thanksgiving weekend. The last couple of years, however, family obligations took us away from home, and we couldn't decorate until well into the first week of December. But this year we're home, so we're decking the halls.
Last Friday, we put the Christmas village up on the mantel. Because I have collected quite a few pieces, putting the village up is always a frustrating undertaking that tries my husband's patience and my Christmas cheer. Each piece needs electricity, so Hubby uses a variety of outlet bars and a tangle of cords to get them (grumble and groan) hooked up.
Also, since the pieces are fairly large, we have to finagle them onto two levels in order to show them to best advantage. Hubby and I seem to be all arms and elbows that get in each other's way and threaten to knock the pieces to the floor in our struggle to get them placed just right. But once they are up and lighted, they always make us smile.
Our Christmas village is one of a kind, nothing like the collectibles that are commercially produced. The ceramic pieces, made locally by a friend, are charming in their imperfections. Each year, for several years, she made one or two especially for me, and by the time she quit making them, I had collected sixteen pieces. The schoolhouse, church, log cabin, and family dwelling pictured above are a few of them. I also have a fire station, a library, a courthouse, and a Victorian home, among others.
We enjoy the village so much that after Christmas we call it a winter village so we can have an excuse to leave it up until the end of January.