Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Woe is Me

Well, aggravation! When I flipped on the light switch in my office Saturday evening, nothing happened. Even with the glare from the computer screen, it's mighty dark in here without the overhead fluorescent light.

My husband did what he could to try to fix the light, but it soon became apparent that we needed an electrician. So he called one on Monday morning....he'd be here Tuesday afternoon, we were assured. Tuesday afternoon came and went with no electrician. Aggravation! He finally arrived this morning, about 11 a.m. It took him just minutes to fix the problem by replacing the ballast. He said he's been replacing a lot of these lately.

On Saturday, too, Mother, who lives next door, told us her plumbing wasn't working and water was backing up in the potty and elsewhere. Aggravation! A plumber was scheduled for yesterday afternoon and, thank goodness, he came as scheduled and fixed the tree-roots-clogging-a-pipe problem.

Still, I was frowny-faced over all this aggravation.

Then my husband got a call from his daughter this morning, saying that she had messed up her new month-old vehicle when she rear-ended another vehicle as she was turning into a shopping center. Her vehicle will require quite a bit of work but, gratefully, she wasn't hurt.

Also this morning, I got an e-mail from my daughter-in-law telling me that our three-year-old great-granddaughter has a viral infection with a temperature high enough to cause her to have a seizure that scared the wits out of everybody. Oh, and our new great-grandson has an ear infection, she said.

Sadly, too, we learned this afternoon that a friend died today. He and his wife just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary recently.

Light fixture and plumbing problems? Just blessings in disguise.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing the severity of our problems until we look around and see what others are going thru. Nellie (

Sixty Something said...

Good to hear from you again, Nellie. Thanks for taking the time to respond. Yes, it's all just a matter of perspective, isn't it?