Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Choral Concert

Last evening, we attended a choral concert at a local community college. This group is made up of students who are all ages and from all walks of life. This is only the second semester that they have performed together, and they did a good job.

The students didn't wear specially designed clothes...the ladies wore black skirts and a variety of styles of red blouses, and the men wore black dress pants, white shirts, and ties. These are folks who work while they go to school, and who have families to support, and we admire their willingness to take time from busy schedules for practice, and to perform, not only at last night's concert, but in other places, such as at nursing homes and churches.

The concert lasted only about 45 minutes and included both spiritual and secular selections. At the beginning of one number, "Jambalaya," the choral members donned sparkling Mardi Gras masks and tossed graffiti.

Their last number, "God Bless America," by Lee Greenwood, was accompanied by a heart-tugging slide show of military troops performing their duties in both past and present conflicts on foreign soils.

Following the concert, the choral group formed a reception line. The singers beamed as audience members complimented them. This is one more example of how important art and music are in our lives. Regular classroom studies are important to career pursuits, but creative activities are confidence builders.