Monday, April 28, 2008


Started my Monday with a Cardiac Rehab session, as usual. This was session number six...only 30 more to go. Actually, I'm enjoying the workouts. I'm continuing to increase my speed on the treadmill, and my resistance on the cardio-stepper, and my blood pressure is getting better and better.

Each Monday, we watch an educational video as we exercise. This week, it was about heart disease, how it happens, and what signs to look for. After experiencing an episode, and then researching online about it, I had already accumulated a lot of information about the disease, but it never hurts to review it.

Today, the staff presented me with a Cardiac Rehab t-shirt to wear for exercising. Last week, they sent me a greeting card, welcoming me. On my first day at the sessions, I was given a goodie bag of literature, coupons, sample cereal packets, and vitamin samples. All this is to help encourage me to keep coming back. I need very little encouragement...I really want to do this and look forward to each session. For me, the one-hour workouts fly by. Others don't feel the same, though. A couple of folks have finished their programs since I've been there, and they seemed jubilant that it was finally over. A few others attended one or two sessions and then dropped out altogether.

I was back home by about 10:30 a.m. Mother came over and put color in my hair. I may be a great-grandmother, but I'm not ready for gray hair. I'd be happy to go gray if my hair was as pretty as Mother's. But it's not. So I use a very light ash blond that gives just a touch of subtle color. It's in no way overwhelming or garish, and as long as other ladies continue to compliment me on my hair, I'll continue to color it.

After lunch, we all went to various nurseries looking for tomato plants, herbs, and other things Mother wanted. She and Hubbie got the plants into the ground this afternoon.

Before they headed to the garden, though, I asked them to get dressed for a family portrait in front of the dogwood tree. A granddaughter expressly asked for a photo of us for her birthday, so I'll enlarge the best shot and frame it for her as part of a gift from us.

Looks like we'll end the day with another trip to the worldwide discount chain store to pick up a few items, including enlargements of the family portrait shots. Hardly a day passes that one or more of us doesn't need to make a trip to the WWDCS.