Saturday, May 3, 2008


Strawberries, glorious strawberries. I love them, and I eat them three times a day when the luscious crops appear in May. Three weeks or so isn't enough for me to get my fill of them. I love all kinds of fruits, but strawberries fresh from our state's fields are my very favorite.

We'll buy lots of them to eat fresh, as well as to put in the freezer. Mother is a champion at canning strawberry preserves, so we make sure there are plenty of quarts of the berries for her to use. She gives jars of the preserves to family members as gifts for birthdays and Christmas, and some of Hubbie's family buy them. Her preserves are also blue ribbon winners at the county fair each year. I'm so spoiled to eating her preserves that I can't even tolerate store brands.

Hubbie and I picked up a flat of berries at the farmer's market this morning, and Mother and I washed, capped, and sliced three quarts of them to take with us to a granddaughter's baby shower tomorrow. We prepared the rest of the them for our own refrigerator. Yum-yum.