Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cardiac Rehab and a Play

My new alternate route to Cardiac Rehab worked very well this morning, so I'll stick with it for a while. Hopefully road crews won't move to that area and block my way.

I'm at level 5 on the cardio-stepper, and am walking 3.5 mph on an incline, so I worked hard. Today was education day...subject: salt in our diets. I'm ahead of the game on that one, since I've been researching the subject online and gathering recipes.

A friend from water aerobics accompanied her husband to the session this morning. He had a serious heart attack requiring bypass surgery a few months ago. I'm sure she was there to get information on lifestyle changes.

I spent the rest of the day in routine household duties. And then yesterday evening, Hubbie and I went to a dessert and one-man-show event at a local restaurant. The performer, one of our state's poet laureates, was testing a play he'd written on the small audience in attendance. As a member of our local arts council, my job was to get snapshots of folks attending, as well as of the poet as he performed.

The play, about the lifetime trials and tribulations of a man who returns home for the funeral of a family member, was well written and believably performed. I've seen this performer before, but some others who had not offered very positive comments about him.

I'm a huge fan of good live theater and wish there were more opportunities locally to indulge in it.