Monday, May 12, 2008

The Good and the Bad of the Day

This morning, the Cardiac Rehab exercise physiologist increased my treadmill speed to 3.5 mph, which was fine, but it was a workout. Tomorrow, he'll increase the resistance on the cardo-stepper.

Today, we were shown an educational video and given a handout on the benefits of exercise for cardiac patients. I definitely feel more energized after exercising, and I'm glad I'm getting assistance in pushing my limits. I feel secure knowing registered nurses and exercise physiologists are there to monitor my progress, as well as my vital signs.

While the workout session went well, getting to Cardiac Rehab did not. Due to road construction going on all up and down the main thoroughfare leading to the hospital, I'd mapped out an alternate and more direct route last week. But drat it, this morning I found a street on my route blocked by heavy equipment and had to go down the dreaded orange-barrels-orange-cones thoroughfare after all. I found another alternate route home, however, and will use this detour again in the morning.

When I got home, I saw that Hubbie had one of those frustrated looks on his face. When I asked what was wrong, he told me the pre-pay price for propane gas for the winter has increased significantly, which has required a chunk-of-change outlay for the amount we anticipate needing. We knew that propane would take a sharp hike, just as other fuels have, but the increase sort of hit Hubbie in the solar plexis, anyway, I guess.

And then this afternoon, Hubbie was forced to make a dental appointment, because one of his caps was loose. He came home with another of those things-didn't-go-as-I-expected looks. Seems the affected tooth was too far gone to save, and he had to have an extraction...another major expense for the day.

Since his dentist has instructed that he eat light, easy-to-chew food, we've changed our supper menu from bagel pizzas and salad to egg omelets and muffins.

Mama told me there'd be days like this.