Friday, May 16, 2008

Mixed Bag Day

We've stayed busy all day without really accomplishing much. The morning began with a session on my home treadmill, which is equipped with ski arms. I did 30 minutes of warm-up, aerobic walking, and then cool-down, plus stretching exercises.

After that, I occupied myself with household tasks before fixing one of my everything-but-the-kitchen-sink salads. By the time I finished making it, there was enough to feed two people, and I shared it with Hubbie. Today's concoction, on a bed of garden lettuce and green onions, included sliced strawberries, sugar snap peas, tomatoes, fresh mushrooms, sliced raw summer squash, leftover cooked green beans, leftover cooked rice, Craisins, leftover cold slaw, a couple of pecans, some slivered almonds, a couple of tablespoons of cottage cheese, and Raspberry Spritzer dressing. It was delicious.

After lunch, Hubbie and I ran errands that ended up taking us down that dreaded thoroughfare under construction. We sat and crawled, sat and crawled, and sat and crawled some more in traffic before finally arriving at the everything's-a-dollar store and then crossing over to the worldwide discount chain store.

Back home, Mother and I decided to go walk at the college lake, since she has not, due to inclement weather, had the opportunity to do so in several days. Today, though, was balmy and pleasant.

Others thought so, too. A middle-aged couple was walking, while a child, about eight years old and presumably their grandson, played nearby. Several young adults played volleyball on a court just up a hill from the lake. At one point, their ball bounced down the embankment and into the lake. The bravest among the players...a young man...cautiously waded up to his knees into the murky water and stretched forward to retrieve the ball. The child, who found this procedure fascinating, was invited to join in the volleyball game. As we walked, we could hear the young people praising and encouraging the boy as he attempted to get the ball over the net.

As for wildlife, we only saw the three large carp lazily floating near the bank, and ducks comically upending themselves in the water, feet peddling furiously and curled tails waggling, as they hunted goodies in the silt.

We got back home about 4:30 p.m., in time to prepare a 5 p.m. supper of tuna fish sandwiches and macaroni and cheese. As with the salad at lunch, the tuna salad (tuna rinsed to remove as much salt as possible) was "loaded" with diced apples, Craisins, onions, boiled egg whites, and pecans, and sprinkled with dill weed (dill pickles are too high in sodium), then tossed in light salad dressing. The baked macaroni and cheese dish was made from a low-fat, low-sodium recipe.

Later, Hubbie and I attended ballroom dancing. There were only six of us there tonight, due to other events around town, including high school graduation, and a dance recital. I hope more folks will be able to come next week. The six of us had an absolutely great time, though, and we got in a lot of practice doing Latin and Swing dances. We ended, as usual, with the Heavenly Waltz.

A treadmill workout, a walk around the worldwide discount chain store, a stroll around the college lake, and two hours of vigorous dancing should certainly qualify as sufficient exercise for the day! By the time we got home last evening, I was hot and sweaty enough to indulge in a bowl of fat-free chocolate ice cream. Yum.