Friday, June 13, 2008

Cool Pool and Funny Story at Water Aerobics

The boiler is off in the college gym, so the water in the pool continues to drop. It was 77 degrees this morning. I certainly hope this isn't a trend to conserve energy. Once I'm in the water, it doesn't seem too bad, though, so I wonder if the new thermometer in the pool is accurate.

There's no denying how cold it is in the dressing room, however, with air conditioning running full blast. The first ones into the room turn on the row of hand dryers to help heat the area. It's pretty shivery in there until we can get out of our wet swimsuits.

Funny story: one of the ladies said that years ago, she visited an ice cream parlor in another state, and was awed when she saw Robert Redford there. The lady ordered ice cream and left the shop, but when she got outside, she realized she didn't have her ice cream with her. So she went back into the shop to retrieve it, but couldn't find it.

"Are you looking for your ice cream?" Redford asked?

"Yes," the lady answered.

"It's in your purse," Redford said.

Now, that's a real case of being star struck!

Well, our neighbors that live behind us have acquired two Labrador retriever pups, one black and one yellow. They keep sneaking through the fence to visit us. They are adorable right now, but drat it, they'll soon be galloping huge, and I dread that they might bump Mother and knock her over. These neighbors have had several Lab dogs over the years, all of which have invaded our yard and garage, carrying off rakes, gloves, and anything else they can lift, and then eventually meeting their Waterloo on the highway out front. As animal lovers, it saddens us each time, but there's nothing we can do about it.

Speaking of animals, this morning as Hubbie walked me to the car to go to water aerobics, we were startled by a loud rustle in the tree limbs just above our heads. Looking up, we saw a flurry of wings as two male robins aggressivly dived at each other, no doubt in a contest over a female. That's the first time I've seen robins in battle.