Friday, June 27, 2008

A Day of Pleasant Events

Pleasant event number one: water aerobics...the pool this morning was still a delightful 86 degrees, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. As always, I felt refreshed and energized afterward.

Pleasant event number two: when I got back from the pool, I found that I'd received a snail-mail note from a high school friend, who will be in our state over the July 4 weekend. She wondered if I would be available for a visit while she's in town.

After e-mailing back and forth, it looks like the morning of July 4 is a good time for her to come and see me at the campground where we will be staying. I hope nothing comes up to interfere with that plan, since I haven't seen this friend in many years. In fact, we lost touch with each other until shortly after a 40th anniversary high school reunion several years ago, when I learned of her address and contacted her. After that we corresponded by e-mail from time to time, until for some reason she no longer had my current e-mail address. Hence, the snail-mail note, which I'm so glad she took the trouble to send.

Pleasant event number three: this evening, we traveled to another town to attend a hand bell concert held at a college theater. We've enjoyed several performances in this state-of-the-art theater, where the seating is comfortable and the acoustics are good. The folks who schedule reservations are very nice...making sure to accommodate Mother's need to sit in an aisle seat with a good view of the stage. She is claustrophobic about sitting in middle seats, and she's so short she can't see over the heads of folks in front of her in those confined areas.

These wonderful, internationally recognized concert performers, who have also appeared on public television, are on tour from North Carolina. This is their first appearance in our state, however. They are so much in demand that it took the college five years to finally book them.

Tonight, besides performing classical and sacred music, like "Exultation" and "Tristesse (Etude Op. 10 No. 3), they also performed pieces that I would not have thought suited to hand bells, like the rock tunes "Hotel California," and "Pinball Wizard." For these, they dressed in "hippie" costumes and wigs, and encouraged the audience to yell, wave their arms and clap to the beat, as if at a rock concert. There were a couple of other humor routines included, too, that kept the large audience well entertained. As an encore, the group played a selection from the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

We all, including Hubbie, who is not always thrilled with my entertainment choices, enjoyed the hand bell concert so well that we bought a CD of their Christmas music. I buy a Christmas CD every year, so this one will serve as this season's new music.

The only downside to this concert was a three or four-year-old child who was restless and noisy. Her mother took her into the hall several times, but she kept bringing her back in, despite disapproving stares. At one point, a gentleman got up and closed the theater door behind her once the young woman and her child were outside, which was a sufficient hint that we were all tired of being distracted by the child's misbehavior. I wonder, have folks forgotten what babysitters are for?