Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Monday and Tuesday

It's back to business as usual. Yesterday (Monday) was occupied with doing laundry and other tasks related to getting the camper and the house back in order after the trip. Of course, there were errands to run to the newspaper office, the Post Office, the bank, the pharmacy, the health store, and the worldwide discount chain store. There was email correspondence to catch up on, the Sunday newspaper and a couple of editions of our local paper to read, photos to be uploaded and sent for printing at the one-hour service, favorite TV shows to be scheduled into the DVR, the week's menu to be planned, and so on.

I did manage to get an exercise session in on my home treadmill yesterday morning, and this morning, I went to Cardiac Rehab. I needed these sessions, since other than walking around at the festival, I didn't get any exercise while on the trip. It was just too hot to ride bikes or walk.

While at Cardiac Rehab, one of the patients I exercise with, who manages the local Sears store where we went recently for an open house and to sign up for prizes informed me that I won a trip to Branson, and the tickets are on his desk waiting for me to pick up. I asked him why he hadn't called to let me know about this, and he said they didn't call anybody because the winners were announced on the radio. I rarely listen to the radio.

For a change, we didn't run errands this afternoon, so it'll be tomorrow before I can pick up the tickets.