Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Worrisome News

Yesterday evening, Daughter-in-Law called to tell me Oldest Son experienced chest pains that sent him to a cardiologist. Blood tests revealed that his triglycerides are well over 1,000 mg/dl. Normal triglycerides should be less than 150 mg/dl. His EKG registered normal, but the cardiologist ordered a stress test for 1 p.m. today.

The cardiologist remarked that an EKG is useless for detecting heart problems, unless the patient is already experiencing an episode. That was true for me. I got a normal EKG report the day before the episode that sent me to the hospital emergency room.

The cardiologist prescribed aspirin and nitroglycerin and cautioned him to take a tablet of each and call an ambulance if he had an episode anytime before his scheduled stress test. So now I'm on pins and needles waiting to find out what's next for Son.

In the meantime, Daughter-in-Law has asked me to gather recipes and menu ideas that she can use to make their eating habits more healthful. Mother and I worked on that last evening, and I'll continue gathering information today to send to her.

As for the rest of the day, I went to Cardiac Rehab yesterday morning. Once a month, Phase III patients are required to hook up to a heart monitor, and yesterday was my day. I registered fine, and was able to remove the monitor before beginning exercises. My oxygen saturation and pulse rate is monitored periodically during exercise. Both were good.

After I got home, Hubbie and I ran a couple of pick up another prescription for me, and to one of the stores that has a sale every weekend to look for a capri and blouse outfit to wear to the very casual outdoor wedding of Hubbie's grandson Friday evening. I found what I needed, and we moved on to go visit our friend who has terminal cancer.

She was not in her office, though, so we talked at length with her assistant. The assistant told us that Friend is having some very rough days, of course. She is to leave her job on Aug. 26, her birthday. On that day, there will be a gathering for her at a local college. This will be a very emotional time, I'm afraid. All of us who have been associated with this upbeat, inspiring lady want to see her and hug her, but it's going to be so difficult to be with her, knowing the prognosis. She has been so sick lately that I wonder if she will even feel up to a gathering like this several weeks hence.

What a day.