Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunflower and Surprise Lilies

This year, Hubbie planted several sunflowers in the corners of the veggie gardens and at the end of the zinnia garden. They have been blooming for about a week. I'm amazed by these very tall plants that feature huge yellow flowers.

Lilies like the one shown in the bottom photo are pretty amazing, too. The greenery for these flowers comes up early and then dies away. Then about the middle of July or the beginning of August, long stems poke through the ground. Each very rapidly growing stem bears a bud that opens, seemingly, overnight. These flowers are called "surprise lilies," because of their rapid appearance. They are also called "naked ladies," because the stems bear no leaves, and "resurrection lilies," because the greenery appears first, then dies down, followed by stems and flowers rising up.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mom , some of the lilies in an early blog are some of the same we have.They have a very pleasent aroma to them.Oh so pretty

Sixty Something said...

Do you remember what the date of the blog is with the pics you are referring to? Some lilies do have a very nice aroma. Do you have surprise lilies in your yard right now?