Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday, October 17

It was pretty nippy this morning going to the pool. I wore fleece and a denim jacket, and ran the heater in the van. The water in the pool was warm, though.

Nature provided a rather unusual sight this morning. Even though the sun was pretty high above the horizon in the east, the moon was still clearly visible against the blue western sky. An airplane, shining white and silent in its flight thousands of feet above, appeared to glide just below the rim of the moon. The moon was still visible at 9:30 a.m., when I left the college campus to come home.

Our regular aerobics leader was not there this morning. Apparently, she ended up in the hospital last Wednesday following our session. She complained to several of the water aerobics members that she was feeling very tired, and her heart was racing. She saw a doctor right away, of course, who did blood tests and then sent her straight to the hospital. The blood tests revealed that she is very anemic. She is undergoing further tests, but no one knows yet if doctors have arrived at a diagnosis.

Regarding the water aerobics member whose car was hit by a pickup truck when she attempted a U-turn last Sunday...she's still hospitalized. We don't know the extent of her injuries.

Another water aerobics member, a lady in her 80s, was hospitalized last week to find out what is causing a blockage in her digestive system. She has been unable to eat since last Thursday, and is currently being fed intravenously.

One of the members this morning, upon hearing all the bad news, exclaimed, "My gosh, what's happening to us? We're dropping like flies all of a sudden." It has been a bad year for serious health problems in the group (my own heart episode among them).

One of the three alternate leaders took over the session this morning. Of the other two alternates, one has not shown up for a long time, and one hasn't been attending lately because of a very ill sister, who, sadly, died yesterday.

The alternate who led us this morning often has problems that prevent her from coming to water aerobics, too, so I don't know what we'll do if she's unable to attend.

After I got home from water aerobics, Hubbie and I shopped for groceries at the WDCS, in expectation that Niece would be visiting for the weekend. But when we got home, Mother said Niece had called to say she can't come after all, because of car problems. We're disappointed, but we understand.

Since we had time to spare this afternoon, I put a pot of chicken broth, with onions, celery, carrots, and parsley on to simmer. The broth went into the freezer, to be taken with us to Branson, where we'll add noodles for soup.

After that, Mother and I watched the 2001 musical version of "Jekyll and Hyde," on DVD, starring David Hasselhoff. This musical is okay, if not an award winner. Hasselhoff is adequate, but not quite believable, in the role of Jekyll (combing and tying his long hair back as Jekyll, and then letting it fall over his face as Hyde doesn't convince the audience that he has "transformed" to the point that supporting characters no longer recognize him). I like the singing voices of supporting cast members better than I do Hasselhoff's. It was a physically challenging role, though, and Hasselhoff was plenty muscular enough to meet the challenge.

Well, the mama cat and six kittens are back. I don't know where they've been, but as I was leaving the driveway this morning, mama cat came sprinting across the lawn to the garage. Later, the kittens were with her. Today, a couple of the kittens let Hubbie pick them up and pet them. Maybe they are making "nice-nice" so we'll keep feeding them.