Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wednesday, October 16

The pool felt wonderful this morning, and the drive over to the college was pleasant, with temps in the 70s.

The story from the pool today is that one of the members was involved in an automobile accident last Sunday and spent some time in the hospital. No one seemed to know what her injuries are, or when she'll be able to return to water aerobics. An article in the newspaper tonight stated that she was hit by a pickup truck as she was attempting to make a U-turn.

I saw this lady at the art gallery last Friday evening during the artist reception. As she was leaving the gallery, she called out to me, "See you at the pool on Monday." It's a good thing we don't know what the future holds...otherwise, we might never leave home.

When I got home from the pool, I called the members of our scrapbook club to remind them of our scheduled meeting tomorrow afternoon. I learned that two of the members cannot be at the meeting, because they will be attending the funeral of a by-marriage relative, who was killed in an automobile accident yesterday. We weren't acquainted with this 35-year-old man, who was the son of a candidate for sheriff in our community. The ladies at the pool said the man, who was not wearing a seat belt, was thrown from his vehicle when it rolled over in the accident.

Another member I called said she has company coming tomorrow, so she is unable to be at the scrapbook meeting. Since three of the five of us cannot meet, we have cancelled the meeting for this month. We will try to get together in a couple of weeks for an outing to another town, where a new scrapbooking store opened recently.

Since today was such a nice, balmy day, we decided to take Mother downtown to look around the new antique mall, and then go see the artist exhibit at the gallery, where Mother picked up a few of the fundraiser Christmas ornaments to use as exchange gifts during the season. At the antique mall, I bought a large and very pretty woven straw basket with leather handles that was priced inexpensively. If I don't find a use for it in my house, I can use it to create a gift basket.

Tonight, we used the last of the leftover turkey in a casserole for supper. It's a new dish that calls for rice, onions, red bell pepper, mustard, light sour cream, and mozzarella cheese, and it was very good.

Later, we watched the final presidential debate, which neither elightened us further, nor changed our minds about the candidate of our choice. We're just grateful that the campaign is FINALLY in its last weeks. We are more than ready to cast our votes.