Saturday, October 18, 2008

Octoberfest Two

The snapshots above were taken at the Octoberfest event, which was held at a bed and breakfast facility out in the country.

We enjoyed the event, on this sunny but very brisk October day. I wore a turtleneck knit shirt under a heavy turtleneck cotton sweater, along with a denim jacket. Mother wore several layers, too, and Hubbie opted for a flannel shirt and lined work jacket. We felt sorry for the ladies demonstrating crafts, who wore flimsy pioneer dresses and bonnets. They were wrapped in shawls, and I'm sure they were wearing shirts and pants under the dresses, but they were still shivering. One of them said that they nearly froze all day yesterday, while they demonstrated for around 500 school children visiting the event.

I got a nice surprise in the mail when we got home from the of my photos has been selected to appear on a local bank's 2009 calendar. I have no idea which of three or four photos that I submitted was chosen, though.

For supper tonight, we decided to have a choice of hamburgers or turkey burgers, with sauteed potatoes, and corn on the cob. Later, Hubbie and I watched our favorite football team play a great game, only to go down in heartbreaking defeat when they lost by only one point in the last couple of minutes.