Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday, Nov. 14

It was still warm, though a little windy, this morning going to water aerobics. Our regular leader was absent again today. Word is that she suffered a bad headache and some loss of balance either Wednesday after our session or yesterday, so she's undergoing tests to determine the problem. Her doctor suspects a heart problem. She had a stroke several years ago, and from all I've read, her symptoms sound like those of a stroke, though I'm sure a lot of medical problems exhibit similar symptoms.

One of the very young women led the group today. She's in her mid to late 30s, I think. She's probably the youngest member of the group, though she doesn't attend regularly. I've known her for years, since she has served on the community theater board with me. Her children are in 4-H, and I'm a member of Extension Homemakers, so we have both been involved with county fair activities, as well.

As is usual for a Friday, not as many showed up for aerobics today, but those of us who were there had a good time, and the water was moderately warm.

Back home, we just did this and that until after lunch. As Hubbie was getting ready to go to the barber shop, he discovered that his billfold was missing. We frantically searched for it in the house, and in the vehicles. Hubbie called the last place we'd shopped to see if it had been turned in. No dice.

Since his driver's license was in the billfold, I decided I should go with him to the barber shop. From there, we went straight to the Revenue Office to get his license replaced. Then, when we got back home, he started the long process of calling credit card companies and other businesses to cancel accounts.

Now, we just have to hope we covered all the bases. We also hope the billfold will miraculously show up.

While we were at the barber shop, Hubbie's barber commented that his mother, who has Alzheimer's Disease, hides things. Among the things she has hidden is his father's billfold, which has never turned up, and his own barber's kit, which eventually did turn up in the tool box of his father's truck (unfortunately, not before he had replaced these expensive items).

As the barber was relating this story, Hubbie looked at me quizzically. "No," I said, "I don't think I've hidden your billfold. But if I have, I wouldn't know it, if I have Alzheimer's."

Suffering the disease could be in the cards for me, though, since my grandmother, my father, and a brother were all afflicted. My grandmother hid things, too, like silverware and scissors, which (ouch) she stashed down the front of her dress.

The rest of the day was pretty calm, and we had a good supper of Parmesan baked tilapia fish, with baked sweet potatoes, and cream style corn.

Later, Hubbie and I gathered coats, hats, gloves, and scarves to go downtown for Second Friday events. But since it was raining, and predictions were for wind and a sharp drop in temps, nothing much was going on down there. No musicians were out, and many of the stores were dark, except for a couple of antique/flea market shops, a restaurant, and the art gallery, where a photography workshop was taking place.

So we came back home and turned on the radio to listen to our favorite college basketball team squeak to a win in overtime play.