Sunday, November 9, 2008

Saturday, Nov. 8

I was willing to sleep late this morning, but Hubbie popped up at the usual 7 a.m. hour on this shivery Saturday, so I soon followed. After breakfast, I did a treadmill session.

Mother wanted to visit the craft fair again, so we all went to the fairgrounds around 9:30 a.m. Mother used to be actively involved in this Extension Homemakers fundraising project, but she hasn't participated in it for several years now, although she still enjoys visiting with the ladies who continue to work there.

After lunch, Mother went home, and Hubbie and I listened to the first half of our favorite college team's football game on radio. Then we shopped for the groceries we'll need for the coming week's menu. Back in the car after shopping, we turned on the radio and learned that our team was going down in defeat.

Later, Mother came back to our house, and we had hamburgers/turkey burgers for supper, with sauteed potatoes and coleslaw.

Even though the central heat thermostat said it was 73 degrees in the house, thanks to hypothyroidism, I still felt chilled. So I spent about 20 minutes in the hot tub, which pleasantly warmed me for the rest of the evening. I really, really dread winter weather, because I won't thaw out until next spring.