Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday, Nov. 15

Wow! The weather turned sharply colder overnight. I'm glad I didn't have anywhere to go today.

Around 9 a.m., after I'd had breakfast, did a session on the treadmill, and got ready for the day, Mother came over and we set to work childproofing the living room and dining room for toddler children we're expecting for Thanksgiving. This meant stowing decorative plates, vases, and knick knacks in plastic totes, where they'll remain until after the holidays. I also unearthed the table clothes to be ironed for Thanksgiving dinner. We'll probably set up at least three tables.

After that, we cleared book and paper paraphernalia that had accumulated around the computer in one corner of the living room so Hubbie can take the computer back up to the office. He brought it to the living room last February, following my heart episode, so I wouldn't have to climb up and down stairs so much. But I'm fine now, so it's time for the computer to go back home to make room in this corner for a "kids' table" at Thanksgiving.

After lunch, we spent the afternoon sorting, filing, and discarding paperwork, and cleaning drawers in the office. There's still a ton more that could be done, but at least now the built-in desk area, which stretches all the way down one wall, is clear and ready for the computer, printer, and stuff related to it. I hope to get back to office organizing in January. We have a very busy holiday season coming up, so I don't plan to stress myself with tasks that can be put off for a couple of months.