Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Saturday, November 1

It's hard to believe that we are only weeks away from Christmas. It's even harder to believe that the stores are already bedecked for the season, and I'm hearing piped Christmas music! I'm not ready for Christmas, and I won't be until after Thanksgiving.

Our goal this weekend was to take down the Halloween stuff and locate the cute wooden elements that turn a pumpkin into a turkey. But where had we hidden them?? We thought we knew exactly where they were, but no matter how many times we looked in that spot, they just weren't there. Nor were they in any drawer, bag, or tote we looked in. We covered the same territory over and over again looking for them. Finally, Mother decided to remove every bag hanging in the spare bedroom closet and look through them. Sure enough, she found the turkey parts in one of them. I promptly took them outdoors and mounted them on a pumpkin (see photo above).

This afternoon, Hubbie and I sat down to listen to the radio as our favorite college football team played and won a game they were predicted to lose. It was a very tight and exciting match, and we were thrilled when our team pulled out a victory.

Two of the kittens returned tonight, meowing loudly for food. We fed them, of course, but we wonder where the others are.

Tonight, we turned the clocks back. So now, even though it'll be daylight when we get up in the mornings, it'll get dark earlier in the evenings. We're not fond of Daylight Savings Time, because the winter nights seem to drag on. I always think that I should be able to accomplish lots of indoor projects during these dark evenings, but I don't. Instead, all I seem to want to do is curl up on the couch under a warm afghan and watch TV or read.

I'm not a winter person, so I'm already looking forward to spring.