Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tuesday, Nov. 4

Election Day. The first thing Hubbie did this morning was put the flag out on the well house. After breakfast and a treadmill session, I got ready, and the three of us were off to the polls. When we arrived at 9:30 a.m., only two or three people were ahead of us. Ours is a small precinct, so there is never a very large turnout. Poll workers said that there was a fair number earlier this morning, though, as folks stopped by to vote in this historic election before going to work.

We have been voting at this polling site for many years, and the workers, who know us personally, and call us by name when we enter the building, find it humorous that we must, as required by law, show our driver's licenses as proof of identity. The law's the law, though, and we respect that we must follow it.

We breathed a sigh of relief as we left the poll...at long, long, last the election, whoever might win, is finally over.

Following that, Hubbie and I again ran errands. I needed to visit both of the health stores to pick up vitamins and 8-grain cereal. I get the cereal and multi-vitamins at one of the stores, and fish oil at the other one. I also wanted to go to a book/music/video store to check on the price of a DVD I'm interested in buying, to see if it'd be cheaper at that store or at an online store. Hubbie wanted to go to a couple of places, too, including a home supply store.

After lunch, Hubbie accompanied me around town to take pictures of the fall colors. Already, they are fading, but I got a few shots, including the ones shown above.

For supper tonight, we had boiled chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and Lima beans. The rest of the chicken and broth will be used to make soup for Friday's supper, when the weather is predicted to be cooler.

Tonight's entertainment was the election results, of course.