Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday, February 2

Eighteen of us showed up for water aerobics this morning. The pool was moderately comfortable, and the workout felt good.

I was anxious to talk with one of the water aerobics members, who is also a member of Extension Homemakers. A member of her club died last week, and I wanted to know what had happened to her, since Mother and I had seen her at the EH Christmas party in early December, and she looked well at that time. I was told that the lady, 88 years old, had recently been diagnosed with an aggressive cancer that carried her off in a matter of weeks. That's scary.

After I got back home, Mother put color in my hair in anticipation of haircuts tomorrow afternoon.

We didn't accomplish a lot after that. Hubbie ran errands, and Mother and I gathered birthday cards and gifts, and simmered a pot of chicken for soup for the upcoming birthday party at Son and Daughter-in-Law's house on Feb. 14. The soup broth and chicken breasts are in the freezer for now. We set aside some of the broth and chicken, added noodles, and had steaming bowls of it for lunch.

While Hubbie was out, he picked up 3-D glasses at a grocery store, so we could watch a 3-D episode of "Chuck" tonight. If we'd had the glasses yesterday, we could have watched a movie promotion in 3-D. But it didn't matter, because I was able to go online and get that video, plus an advertisement at This is a fascinating technology that is predicted to be a pretty common way to view TV in the near future.

For supper, we had hot roast beef sandwiches, along with leftover mashed potatoes, and gravy combined with carrots and onions. We spent the evening, as usual, watching TV.