Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thursday, February 5

After sleeping late this morning, I had a cold cereal breakfast and then did a treadmill session and resistance exercises. Other than regular household chores, I did nothing important for the rest of the morning.

For lunch, I fixed a breakfast omelet made with egg substitute and sauteed onions, bell pepper, and mushrooms. Hubbie and I shared the omelet, and I made a small recipe of white gravy for him to have over a couple of leftover biscuits. I had low-fat cottage cheese and half of a wheat bagel with mine. We both had bowls of fresh fruit, sprinkled with chopped almonds and a few dark chocolate chips and dollops of fat-free whipped topping.

After lunch, we went to the WDCS for groceries and incidentals. Yesterday, when Hubbie stopped by the store to pick up deli meat, he discovered that there were absolutely no meats or cheeses in the deli case. We don't know why. Deli workers were behind the counter, but appeared to be too busy for Hubbie to inquire. We forgot to drop by there today to see if the deli was operational or not.

Back home, we lazily watched a couple of one-hour TV shows, and then I made a batch of bran muffins to have with leftover stew. Mother, who stayed home through the day, joined us for supper.

We spent the evening, as usual, in front of TV, watching a very strange movie called, "Fear X." One online site rates this as a three-star movie, but I don't know why. Rated PG-13, it's supposed to be a psychological thriller about a man searching for his wife's killer. It's a plodding movie, with the main character going into and out of dreams or fugues or something. He supposedly learns disturbing things about his wife, but we're fuzzy on what those things are. The man finally finds his wife's killer, who shoots him. He lands in the hospital, and then he's escorted to the border and has to leave the state. Why did the guy kill his wife? Who knows. It was never revealed, as far as we could tell. If the movie is supposed to have deep meaning and symbolism, it was lost on us.