Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday, March 2

Since it was bitterly cold this morning, I opted out of going to water aerobics. I feel fine, but I didn't want to risk a relapse or worse by getting chilled in the pool and cold air. Predictions are that the temp will moderate by Wednesday, so I will go back then. I miss swimming and water aerobics when I can't go.

I did walk on the treadmill and work out with weights this morning, though. While I was doing that, the plumber came to pump the septic tank...we had problems with a stopped up potty downstairs this past weekend, and didn't want there to be a problem this coming weekend, when family will be here to celebrate Mother's 87th birthday.

Mother came over around 11 a.m. and joined us for a chicken sandwich lunch, after which Hubbie and I ran the greeting card shop, the pharmacy, the bank, an everything's a dollar store, and then to the WDCS for a few grocery items.

Nothing much else happened today. We had leftover Cajun turkey roll, potatoes, and veggies for supper. Then Mother went home, and Hubbie and I turned the TV off and spent an hour in other activities...he reading his novel, and I looking up March movies on the encore and premium channels that I might want to set the DVR to record. I've found that it's easier to spend a little time checking schedule listings for a month than checking those channels day-by-day.

Tonight, we watched "Jesse Stone: Thin Ice" that I'd recorded on DVR. We like the actor, Tom Selleck, and look forward to the next episode in this series.