Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We awoke to a foggy morning, but it soon burned off in the warm sunshine. Before I got up, I did a little exercise that is supposed to help a wacky back...drawing my knees to my chest, and then swinging my legs to the right and left. It seemed to help, though I still had a little twinge in my lower spine that worked itself out as I walked on the treadmill.

Because temps were predicted to rise into the 70s, I dressed in a lightweight green turtleneck shirt, with a chambray shirt and blue jeans today, in recognition of St. Patrick's Day. To the shirt I attached a green bowler hat pin.

Later in the morning, Hubbie and I went to the WDCS to pick up a few grocery items, particularly beef to use in making stew...I'd forgotten to pick up the beef when we shopped on Saturday. The stew will include cabbage, carrots, onions, and potatoes, and will stand in for corned beef and cabbage as our St. Patrick's Day supper. For a dining room table centerpiece, I brought in a large pot of Shamrocks from the sun room.

There was a lot of "wearin' 'o the Green" at the store. I don't know how many of those folks have Irish heritage, but of course, on St. Patrick's Day, everyone is Irish. My own heritage includes Irish blood on my father's side.

For lunch, I fixed a mixture of sauteed potatoes with green onions and mushrooms, into which I scrambled egg substitute. Hubbie and I had this with toast, and Mother fixed herself a tuna salad sandwich.

Mother and I went for a walk after lunch at the college lake. The only other folks at the lake were a young family that included a mom, a dad, an infant child, and a toddler girl. They were seated on a concrete bench, happily watching the ducks that approached them in hopes of a handout of bread crumbs. Four white ducks were snoozing along the bank, and when we got near them, they chattered at us, as if complaining that we were disturbing their nap.

While we were gone, Hubbie worked in the yard. Around 3 p.m., he and I took the computer to a nearby town to have a recommended anti-virus installed. It needed to be done before our old anti-virus program expires in a few days. It took the tech just a short time to install the program, so we were back in town by about 4 p.m. We stopped by the pharmacy to pick up a prescription, before coming home.

Around 2 p.m., I set the VCR to record a movie off the DVR for Mother..."There Will be Blood"...which Hubbie and I saw Sunday night. It is an R-rated movie, for violence, and since I was unsure if Mother would want to see it, I didn't tape it as we were watching it. But she said yes, she'd like to try it. The movie, which is two hours and 45 minutes long, was just ending as we got back from the computer shop. Daniel Day-Lewis won an Oscar for his performance in this 2007 film, and it was nominated for eight others.

From 6 to 7 p.m., we spent our quiet hour reading. After that, we watched a couple of one-hour shows, including another episode of "Dancing with the Stars."