Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday, June 30

I can't believe that this is the last day of June already! Where does the time go?

We were up by 7 a.m., so I could get ready to go to a Caring Hands hospice session, to help put together a scrapbook for an Alzheimer's patient, and make greeting cards. I did a treadmill session and resistance exercises right after breakfast, and then was ready to go by about 9:30 a.m. Mother came over at that time to go with me. She enjoys these sessions, not only because of the crafting, but because it gives her an opportunity to visit with folks.

Besides Mother and I, another lady from our scrapbook club attended the session. We were amused to see that all three of us wore patriotic colors in early celebration of Independence Day.

We spent from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the session, which was held in the fellowship hall of a local church. Both adults and children were invited to attend, so several children were there, and they created lots of interesting greeting cards. Most adults really enjoy children's art, so I'm sure the hospice patients will love the cards they made.

We were encouraged to bring sack lunches today, so Mother and I packed cold boiled chicken sandwiches, pretzels, and fresh cherries for dessert.

After we got home, Hubbie and I went to the home of one of the visual arts committee members to pick up lengths of board to take to the gallery. These will be used to make pedestals to display ceramic and other fragile art works.

Got a call from the technician at my cardiologist's office. She said the doctor read the results of the ultra-sound of my heart, and everything looks good...strong heart, heart valves okay, arteries fine, etc...and that I should just keep doing what I've been doing.

Supper tonight was smothered steak, with leftover mashed potatoes, and wilted lettuce, using the lettuce that Mother grew in her raised veggie garden. Afterward, I did another session on the treadmill before Hubbie and I settled in to watch a 2004 Hallmark movie, "Plainsong," rated PG, and starring Aiden Quinn and Rachel Griffiths. The story takes place in a small town in Colorado, and is about the emotional changes that take place within a year among eight people.