Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday, June 29

What a gorgeous day it has been! Temperature 90, and low humidity...just a perfect summer day.

We were up by 6:30 this morning, so I could go to water aerobics. The water in the pool was deliciously warm again today. More than 30 of us showed up for the session. There will be only one more day of aerobics this week, Wednesday, and then the pool will be closed Friday for the July 4 weekend.

The lady who stands beside me in aerobics celebrated her 80th birthday this past weekend. She said some friends took her out to eat at a catfish restaurant. She doesn't like fish. So she had a hamburger. These ladies have been friends for years, so the others certainly knew that the birthday girl doesn't like fish! Shouldn't she have been given a choice of restaurants?

The lady who gave us the plums last Friday said that more were ready to be gathered, so would I like to go by her house directly after aerobics and get them? Yes, I would. So I followed her home, and the two of us picked up the fruit that the birds hadn't pecked holes in, and then she shook the tree so I could pick up the not-quite-ripe ones, as well.

Back home, after I'd gotten ready for the day, Hubbie and I ran the post office to mail my artist-in-education form and other materials to the state arts council; to the health store to get multi-vitamins and eight-grain cereal; and to the WDCS for groceries.

By then, it was noon, and Mother came over to join us in a deli turkey sandwich lunch, after which Mother and I gathered tools and scrapbook/greeting card materials to take with us for a Caring Hands hospice session tomorrow. Then we went through the 2008 calendar, beginning last July, and the 2009 calendar through June, to log our community volunteer hours for a scrapbook club report to the Extension Homemakers Council.

After that, I pored over my National Geographic book again, and later read The Daily Blab, before having a supper of chicken noodle soup and biscuits with margarine and honey.

Later, Hubbie and I spent some time reading our novels, before watching a two-part movie from one of the local channels: "Impact," about a meteor shower that sends a huge chunk into the moon, causing it to get on a collision course with earth. Scary idea, but not as scary as...

News flash: I just learned that Sis had a horrifyingly scary experience at 4:30 this morning, as she and a couple of male employees arrived to open the store where they work. A would-be burglar, dressed all in black, came out from behind some bushes and threatened the employees with a sawed-off shotgun. Sis and another employee heard the gun breech, and they bolted and ran away as fast as they could.

One of the male employees was taken at gunpoint, but since Sis had the keys to the store, I guess the burglar saw no advantage in holding the guy, since the store couldn't be opened, so he ran to a get-away car, where a driver was waiting, and they sped away. It was very dark, so neither the employees nor the store's video camera could identify the perpetrator or the car he escaped in. Police arrived immediately and searched the area, but could find no one.

In running away, Sis fell and injured her knee and hip, which is really painful now. And, understandably, she is terrified of opening or closing that store, now.