Monday, June 15, 2009

Monday, June 15

Today was the first day back at water aerobics, after being off for a month. The pool has a new coat of paint, and the water was crystal clear and warm this morning. It felt good to be back in it. About 30 of us showed up for the session.

While I was at water aerobics, Hubbie drove the truck to another town for repairs. Since the truck was scheduled to be in the shop most of the day, he drove a loaner car home. Once I was ready for the day, Hubbie and I ran the pharmacy, to the WDCS for grocery items, and to the everything's a dollar store to get a gift bag.

I needed the bag for the gift for the lady who is retiring from Extension Services. The only bag I had on hand was too big, I thought. So I found one at the dollar store that I thought would be more suitable. But when I got home with it, I found that it was exactly the same size as the one I already had. I guess when I saw it hanging in the store among much larger bags, I thought it was smaller. So I stuffed it with white tissue and the gift, and then added more tissue to the top to make it do.

At 3 p.m., Mother and I went to the Extension Services office for the retirement party. We were there for an hour and a half, and enjoyed visiting with folks. While we were there, Hubbie went back to the other town to get the truck.

On our way home, Mother and I stopped at the roadside vendor to pick up two cantaloupes. Hubbie had picked up a couple of containers of tomatoes on his way to the other town this morning, but didn't think about getting cantaloupes. I'm surprised he didn't think of buying one to share with Shih Tzu, who dearly loves them.

By this time, it was nearly 5 p.m., so we had a supper of leftover kraut and pork, with leftover mashed potatoes, and canned sweet potatoes.

Later, I got an email from Granddaughter, who said that Friday night's storm had done a lot of damage near her home, leaving her neighborhood, and much of the town, without power. The power is still off at her house today.

I learned from Sis's blog that she was without power for two days, and even after the power came back on, the air conditioner at her place of employment wasn't working. Sis relies on electricity, as we do, to run the pump at her house, so when the power is off, there is no water. She had a few jugs of drinking water, but none for bathing, which was a miserable circumstance in this hot, humid weather.

Once I'd learned all this, I called both of my son's homes and spoke to both daughters-in-law. Though there was damage in their neighborhoods, neither of their homes were affected. But the families were scared spitless while the storm was raging, of course. One family is talking about getting a tornado shelter. I don't blame them. They are in an area that is frequently hit by storms.

We had severe storms both Friday and Saturday, but no damage beyond small limbs blowing off the trees, so I didn't imagine that the storms were so severe where our families live. I began to worry about their welfare, even though I thought that surely someone would have called if anything really bad had happened. Nevertheless, I was anxious to talk with family to satisfy myself that everyone was all right.

This evening, Hubbie and I watched "The Hurricane," a movie starring Denzel Washington. It's based on the true story of the boxer, Rubin "Hurricane" Carter, who was wrongly convicted of murder in 1967 and spent nearly twenty years in prison. He writes a best-selling autobiography that captures the admiration of a young man, who begins corresponding with him. It's a very good movie, R-rated for violence and some language.