Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesday, June 16

We were up by 7 a.m. this morning, and after breakfast, I did a treadmill session and resistance exercises. Once I was ready for the day, Mother and I went to the greeting card shop to buy birthday and Father's Day cards for Hubbie.

Just as we arrived at the shop, the sky opened up and it poured rain and got really windy. So we sat in the car until it abated, about fifteen minutes later. By the time we left the shop, the sun was peeking through the clouds and it got muggy-humid.

From the card shop, we went to a popular restaurant on the river to join other members of the arts council board to plan how we'll set up the dining area to display art work for a live auction, and items for a silent auction, at the Summer Celebration event next week. Mother is not a member of the committee, but since this was a Dutch treat lunch, I figured she'd be welcome, and she was.

There were seven of us ladies in attendance, and besides planning for the event, we enjoyed catching up on each other's lives. One lady, in her 50s, has been battling a lung ailment since last Thanksgiving, and only after visiting a specialist recently has the problem been identified. She is being treated with meds that are making her feel a lot better now.

This same lady has a new granddaughter, born last Friday, and she's over the moon about it. The mother of the baby is one of the sweet Cardiac Rehab RN nurses that worked with me last year. As soon as I have a moment to spare, I want to design a special congrats greeting card for her.

Another lady is battling a severe sinus infection that is causing her to be hoarse, but the rest of us are in pretty good health right now. Mother is no longer coughing from her bronchitis, though she still hasn't gained all her strength back.

Mother and I opted for baked potatoes for lunch, since we didn't want the high fat, high sodium sandwiches listed on the menu.

The meeting lasted an hour and a half, and adjourned around 1 p.m. We returned home to relax for a while before going to our 2:30 beauty shop appointment. From there, we went to the pharmacy to pick up meds for Mother, and were back home around 3:30. While we were gone through the day, Hubbie spent his time working in the yard. He said it didn't rain much here this morning, so I guess Mother and I must have been right under a cloud while we were at the card shop.

I didn't accomplish anything between 3:30 and suppertime. Mother decided to go home for supper, so I fixed a hamburger meal for Hubbie and myself...the grilled patties (beef for Hubbie, and ground turkey for me) that were in the freezer, leftover from our family gathering at camp a few weeks ago. We had salad and whole kernel corn with the burgers.

Later, Hubbie and I watched several old episodes of "The Closer." We are both fans of Kyra Sedgwick, who plays the very southern, quick-witted Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson of the Priority Homicide Division of a Los Angeles police department.

I checked the eagle nest around 6 p.m., and found the baby alone again. Neither adult was visible at the nest while I watched, though when I turned the sound on, I heard one of them loudly calling. So I supposed he or she was perched somewhere out of sight right above the nest. Later, though, both adults landed on the nest, but they stayed only moments before flying away.

The baby looks fully feathered now, though his head is not yet white. He won't get his white plummage for four or five years. He's spending a lot of time stretching, running to the edge of the nest, and flapping his wings, but not flying, yet.