Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday, August 28

Started the day with water aerobics, where the pool was cool but not intolerable once I got in it. But the dressing room was frigid in the extreme. I guess the college keeps the area cold to reduce bacteria, but it sure is uncomfortable when we enter it in our wet swimsuits.

Back home, after I got ready for the day, Hubbie and I ran the new department store again, where I found an off-white cotton shirt with embroidered flowers in the same color and three-quarter length sleeves. I used my 20% off coupon to buy it.

Then I checked at the sports store for nylon shorts to wear over my swimsuits, and though they had gotten an order in, they hadn't unpacked it yet. So I'll need to check back tomorrow, maybe.

From there, we went to a grocery store to pick up more frozen veggies, and to get a free copy of a regional newspaper insert that features the photos I took of the kids at the puppet-making workshop. They were published yesterday, but I didn't know it until the ladies at the pool told me they'd seen the snapshots.

At home again, Hubbie and I finished the leftover stew for lunch, and then at 1 p.m., I took Mother to the hospital for a 2 p.m. echo cardiogram procedure. We arrived early, but she was taken back right away, so the test was completed by 2:20, and we were on our way home again by 2:30.

We won't know the results of the test until the middle of next week. As for the X-ray, the doctor said Mother has an enlarged heart, which is not unusual for a person her age, and there is calcium buildup in some arteries, which is also not unusual. It'll be a few days before we get the results of the blood work-up.

This afternoon, after I'd uploaded photos to my blog (see previous blog), I checked an online auction to see if I'd won the bid for a vintage cookbook Mother wants, and I did. The book should be here in about a week, and I'll put it away for Christmas. She had a cookbook like this for many years, and has often spoken fondly about it, but it disappeared. I spent a few weeks looking for this edition, so I'm very pleased to finally find one.

For supper tonight, we had homemade white gravy to which we added chopped boiled eggs, served over wheat toast, with cantaloupe on the side. We used light margarine, olive oil, and fat free milk to make the gravy. Still, this is not a meal we would have very often, since it is not the most heart-healthy choice.

Later, we watched "The Legend of Lucy Keyes," a Liftetime Movie Network film that we've seen before. In 1775 a young girl named Lucy goes missing and is never found. Now a young family, which has also suffered the loss of a child, has moved onto the farm where the girl disappeared. The youngest daughter of this family, also named Lucy, becomes tuned in to the spirits of the dead. This is a fictional story based on an actual event.