Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday, August 24

For a couple of nights, I slept pretty well, but of course since I needed to get up at 6:30 this morning to get ready to go to the swimming pool for water aerobics after being off for several weeks, I slept fitfully last night.

So I was drowsy all day. But the workout at the pool felt good, and the water temperature was tolerable. A lot can happen in a few weeks, though. One lady suffered shingles and is just now feeling better; another lady has been experiencing vertigo and underwent an MRI last Friday, but was at the pool today; one member suffered a stroke; one had arm surgery (rotator cuff, I think); another is scheduled for knee surgery this week.

I didn't get to the pool until after 8 a.m., because I had trouble leaving my driveway, thanks to heavy traffic on the highway in front of our house. There is a curve near our yard, around which cars speed. The highway department came last week and trimmed trees in our yard, as well as trees on the adjacent property, and for a while that curve was more visible. But now the leaves on the big limbs, which the highway department left laying along the shoulder, have drooped and compacted into a solid wall so that I can't see cars coming around that curve at all. So Hubbie called the highway department today to complain, but the guy he needs to talk to was out of the office, so I guess he'll have to try again tomorrow.

After I got back from the pool and ready for the day, Hubbie and I ran the pharmacy to pick up prescriptions; to a grocery store for cottage cheese; to the greeting card shop to use a coupon to get a free greeting card; to a sports store to look at nylon shorts that I could wear in the swimming pool over seen-better-days swimsuits; and lastly, to the WDCS for several items. I didn't buy the shorts. I'll go back when I have more time to try some on.

Except for a few minor household tasks, I didn't accomplish much for the afternoon. Mother came over after lunch and we visited, and then she started a skillet of Spanish rice simmering for supper. We had this with a fresh salad and bread and butter (light margarine, really).

Mother went home after supper, and since the weather was delightful today, Hubbie and I went for a walk down the mostly shady, paved, road on the west side of our property. We walked two miles in 45 minutes, past new homes with owners either mowing lawns or tilling flower garden spots, past a field of horses (a palomino, an appaloosa, a paint, and a red roan), past a field of cattle, some with calves at side. Along the way, four friendly dogs came out to greet us and sniff our hands in introduction.

August is usually very hot and humid, with little rain, in our state. The lawns are dry and yellowed by now, and the trees already show signs of wear and brittle brown leaves. But this August has been unusually mild, with quite a bit of rain. So the fields, the lawns, and the trees are still thriving and bright green.

Later, we watched a movie..."Separated by Murder," starring Sharon Gless as wealthy twin sisters who conspire to hire someone to kill the husband of one. Both are arrested and tried for murder. The movie is based on a true story.