Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Monday, September 28

We arose at 6:30 a.m., and I went to water aerobics, as usual. Back home, Mother put color in my hair for Tuesday haircut appointments. I called Daughter-in-Law to get more information on the memorial service for Granddaughter's partner, which I passed on to other family members via e-mail. I also called the florist to order a plant for the memorial.

After that, I spent the rest of the morning, and a couple of hours after lunch, making phone calls. First I called the other ladies of the scrapbook club to arrange to meet at my house the Thursday following our usual meeting date, because we plan to be in Branson on the usual meeting date week.

Then I called the several theaters in Branson where we have tickets for shows and made reservations. Lastly, I called our ophthalmologist to make appointments for Mother and me. Those will be at the end of October.

While I was doing all this, Hubbie was helping the guy who came to install our new sliding glass door leading from the den to the sunroom. I feared that the door might not blend well with the rooms, but it does. I dreaded that I would have to redecorate two rooms around that door, and am relieved that it won't be necessary.

Later in the afternoon, after I'd planned the week's menu, Hubbie and I ran errands...to a grocery store to get cottage cheese, to the bank, to a gas station to fill the van, and then to the WDCS for groceries.

Back home, we had a supper of leftover hamburgers/turkey burgers, and potato patties made from leftover mashed potatoes. Then Hubbie and I settled in for an evening of TV. For the past couple of nights, we've been watching new shows..."The Forgotten," "Flash Forward," "Fringe," "The Good Wife," and "Eastwick." We're undecided about which of these we will continue watching, though we certainly liked some better than others. Tonight, we watched "Dancing With the Stars," which is a favorite program for us.