Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Monday, October 19

What a beautiful, sunny, warm day. Why couldn't we have had some of this last week in Branson? Oh, well. Can't have everything.

I didn't go to the pool this morning. I'm trying to allow plenty of time to get over my infection. I got on the treadmill, instead, and then did resistance exercises. Once I was ready for the day, Hubbie and I ran errands...first to the newspaper office to pick up last week's editions. I noticed that the story that I wrote about the 100-year-old man was on the front page Wednesday, along with one of my photos of him.

We also shopped for groceries at the WDCS, before coming home. During the afternoon, we did some house cleaning, since Mother and I are expecting the ladies of the scrapbook club to meet here Thursday afternoon to make screen door greeting cards.

I also uploaded snapshots to my computer and did other computer tasks, including answering emails. Mother's and my friend from another town advised that she plans to come to our town for a visit this week. She's to stay for a couple of days with another friend of ours. Later, the other friend called and wanted to know if we would be free to join the two of them at her house tomorrow afternoon. We set a 2:30 p.m. time for the visit.

I called the scrapbook club members, too, to remind them of our Thursday meeting. I was sad to learn that one of the ladies had lost her sister to breast cancer last week, and the funeral was Sunday. Her sister was 80 years old.

But this lady still plans to come to the meeting, because she's anxious to learn how to make the cards. She's the lady, though, that doesn't like to travel in the rain, and there is predicted to be heavy rain Thursday, naturally. Hopefully it'll slacken by the time she needs to travel.

Supper tonight was boiled chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and English peas. Spent the evening, as usual, watching TV. We've noticed that the TV is blinking, like it's not getting a good connection. We've tried swiveling the screen this way and that, making sure the connections are tight, and unplugging it and then plugging it back into a new surge protector unit. Nothing seems to work. It's annoying.