Saturday, October 31, 2009

Saturday, October 31

Slept late this sunny morning. Didn't get up until after 8 a.m. But I got a treadmill session and resistance exercises in anyway. Mother came over around 9 a.m. and put together an apple crisp for the oven while I was on the treadmill. I meant to do this after my exercises, but Hubbie had peeled apples, and Mother had completed the recipe before I got to the kitchen.

We didn't do much else the rest of the morning, but after lunch, Mother and I crafted while we watched DVD movies for Halloween, including the 1953 version of "War of the Worlds," which won an Oscar for special effects, and the stage play version of the musical, "Sweeney Todd," starring Angela Lansbury.

We set up TV tray tables in the den, and Mother worked on applying elements and craft snow to a few screen door Christmas cards, while I stamped several Christmas motifs on white cardstock. I completed several sheets, using the rubber stamps on loan to us from one of the scrapbook club members.

While we were doing this, Hubbie watched a football game on the TV upstairs. Our programs ended near suppertime, so we heated the low-fat, low-sodium chili made on Thursday, which we had with glasses of apple juice. For dessert, we had servings of apple crisp topped with fat-free vanilla ice cream.

That was our Halloween celebration.

This evening, we watched TV, of course...a couple of one-hour shows, followed by our favorite college football team, as they smashed their opponents.

We enjoyed getting e-mail photos of Great-Granddaughter dressed as a bride, and Great-Grandson in Thomas the Train garb for Halloween.

We were also pleased to learn that Grandson's football team are conference champs, even though they share the title with another team, since their final game Thursday night had to be cancelled due to threatening weather.